Bruno Arteiro Coutinho

About Bruno
Lawyer admitted to the Portuguese Bar Association in 2005, with relevant experience and practice in counseling and representing companies, associations and private clients, preferably in corporate and commercial law, real estate law, labour law, civil law (including civil liability, contracts, family and succession law), health, pharmacy and pharmaceutical law (including medical liability , and criminal law.
Developed his practice as an associated lawyer with the law office “Vieira de Castro, Silva Lopes, Pessanha, Costa Leite” and the international law firm “Uría & Menéndez, Sociedade de Advogados, RL”.
Completed his traineeship in the Portuguese Law Firm ”PLMJ – A.M. Pereira, Sáragga Leal, Oliveira Martins, Júdice e Associados”.
Lawyer admitted to the Portuguese Bar Association in 2005, with relevant experience and practice in counseling and representing companies, associations and private clients, preferably in corporate and commercial law, real estate law, labour law, civil law (including civil liability, contracts, family and succession law), health, pharmacy and pharmaceutical law (including medical liability , and criminal law.
Developed his practice as an associated lawyer with the law office “Vieira de Castro, Silva Lopes, Pessanha, Costa Leite” and the international law firm “Uría & Menéndez, Sociedade de Advogados, RL”.
Completed his traineeship in the Portuguese Law Firm “PLMJ – A.M. Pereira, Sáragga Leal, Oliveira Martins, Júdice e Associados.
He holds a degree in Law from the Faculty of Law of Porto of the Portuguese Catholic University. Attended Postgraduation studies in Economic and European Criminal Law from the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, Labour and Social Security Law from the Faculty of Law of Porto of the Portuguese Catholic University, Medical Liability from the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, Real Estate Law from the Faculty of Law of Porto of the Portuguese Catholic University.