Founder partner, with nearly 25 years of professional experience, especially in labour law and procedural labour law, areas whereby has been working, advising numerous clients and companies, intervening on countless judicial processes and internal procedures, and giving several legal opinions. Specialist Lawyer in Labour Law, recognized by the Portuguese Bar Association, since November 17th, 2004.
Former member of the Portuguese Superior Council of Magistracy, former trainer at Porto Regional Council of the Portuguese Bar Association, where he also had been member at the Legislation Policy Bureau.
Invited speaker and trainer in several conferences and legal trainings promoted by various institutions, specifically in labour law and procedural labour law areas.
Author of multiple books and legal articles.
He holds a degree in Law from the Faculty of Law of Porto of the Portuguese Catholic University, a Master of Laws (LLM) in Procedural Law from the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra and a PhD in Law from the Porto School of the Faculty of Law of the Portuguese Catholic University. Awarded with school award Professor Antunes Varela. He is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law of the Lusíada University of Porto and Invited Professor at the Porto School of the Faculty of Law of the Portuguese Catholic University.